Lake Superior interview and primary/secondary source notes
for 1977-1981

These notebooks are handwritten records of M.Sc. thesis research performed during the years 1977 to 1981. The primary purpose of the research was to define the spawning and commercial fishing grounds of Lake Superior lake trout stocks prior to 1955 and their decimation caused by the introduction of the exotic and parasitic sea lamprey (page 8). It was hoped such information would inform and improve ongoing lake trout restocking efforts.

Other materials of  historical and regional interest were also gathered along the way. These include notes made during interviews of long-term residents and fisherfolk of the Lake Superior North Shore, extracts from Hudson’s Bay Company post diaries and other primary sources, bibliographic lists, and extracts from secondary sources and government records.

Records transcribed in these 17 notebooks are in chronological order of their gathering. All all have deposited with the Archives of Ontario in Toronto,