HISTORICAL PHOTOS OF THE CANADIAN LAKE SUPERIOR FISHERIES - PAGE 2 Sault Ste. Marie, Batchawana Bay, Gargantua, Michipicoten Island, Port Coldwell, Jackfish, Rossport, Bowman Island, Silver Islet, Thunder Bay (Download list) 25-The Legault Brothers’ pound net catch, Rossport, L. Superior 26-Catch from one of Legaults Bros. pound nets, Rossport, L. Superior 27-Legault Bros. fishery, Rossport, L. Superior 28-Bill and Mary Schelling mending 8-inch trout nets, Rossport, L. Superior 29-Rossport Annual Fish Derby, L. Superior, 1950s 30-Start of the Rossport Annual Fish Derby, Rossport, L. Superior, 1953 31-Mending gill nets, Rossport, L. Superior 32-Bowman Is. station, William Schelling’s camp, L. Superior 33-Bowman Island station, L. Superior 34-McKay’s Porphory Is. (Walkers Channel) fishery, with Clara Thompson (Joe Boulanger’s daughter), L. Superior, c. 1935 (photo courtesy Edna McKay) 35-Captain Bradbury, Welcome Islands station, Thunder Bay, L. Superior, n.d. (photo courtesy Edna McKay) 36-Fishermen’s camps at Camp Bay (Silver Islet), L. Superior, c. 1935 (photo courtesy Edna MacKay) 37-Camp 5 (Squaw Bay) fishery, Sibley Peninsula, L Superior-with Joe Boulanger and Edward McKay, L. Superior, c. 1935 (photo from Edna McKay) 38-The tug “Redfox”, operated by the Booth Fisheries Co. (Port Arthur) and by Frank Gerow (Rossport) after 1933, L. Superior 39-Gull Island, Black Bay (Silver Harbour), L. Superior, 1940s 40-Tug “Claralee”, originally owned by William Schelling, Rossport, and in the 1980s by Kemp Fisheries, Thunder Bay, L. Superior 41-Herring catch on dock at Port Arthur, L. Superior, circa 1900. (Thunder Bay Historical Society, acc. no. 979.73.8) 42-Herring catch laid out to freeze in autumn on the CPR docks, Port Arthur, L. Superior 43-Tug breaking through ice in autumn, L. Superior 44-Net reels and tug, location unknown, L. Superior 45-Fishing nets, location unknown, L. Superior 46-Pound net fishing, location unknown, L. Superior 47-Pound net fishing, location unknown, L. Superior 48-Tug boats, location unknown, L. Superior Back Forward