HISTORICAL PHOTOS OF THE CANADIAN LAKE SUPERIOR FISHERIES - PAGE 1 Sault Ste. Marie, Batchawana Bay, Gargantua, Quebec Harbour, Port Coldwell, Jackfish, Rossport, Bowman Island, Silver Islet, Thunder Bay (Download list) 1-Fisherman, L. Superior 2-Ojibway catching whitefish with dip nets in the St. Mary’s River rapids, Sault Ste. Marie, L. Superior, circa 1900 (Public Archives of Canada, PAC32664) 3-A 1900-pound haul of whitefish and lake trout caught in the St. Mary’s R. Sault Ste. Marie, 1890s, L. Superior (from AE Young, 1900, The Soos of Today) 4-Michigan State Fish Hatchery, Duluth, L. Superior, 1890s (from AE Young, 1900, The Soos of Today) 5-Ontario Dept. of Lands and Forests fish hatchery at Sault Ste Marie, 1956 (Public Archives of Ontario, RG9 Series, 136, Acc. #10999, Neg. 8-H-1956) 6-East end, location unknown, L. Superior 7-East end, Tug LaPlante, location unknown, L. Superior 8-Mr. and Mrs. Philip Renner, Agawa Bay, L. Superior, 1940s 9-A. Booth and Co’s station at Quebec Hbr., Michipicoten Is., L. Superior, c. 1900 (from JM Bell, 1905, Ont. Bur. of Mines, Reports, 14 (Pt. I), 278-355) 10-Pic River, L. Superior 11-Port Coldwell harbour, L. Superior. The tug “Georgina” was first operated in the 1890s by the Union Fish Co. of Port Arthur. 12-Fishing village, Jack Fish, Lake Superior, on Canadian Pacific Railway, L. Superior, c. 1911 (Public Archives Canada, PAC26018) 13-View of the town of Jackfish from the harbour, from a postcard, L. Superior, n.d. The 22-room Lakeview Hotel is on the far side of the track on the right (courtesy Peter Dahl, 8/85) 14-The Gunilda owned by oil baron William Harkness of Cleveland, Ohio, prior to sinking in 1911 near Rossport, L. Superior 15-Steam tug, Rossport, L. Superior, pre-1918 16-McKay’s Landing (Rossport), L. Superior, c. 1890 17-Rossport, L. Superior, 1920s (?). The large Nipigon Bay Fish Co. sheds were those first erected by the company 18-Rossport, L. Superior, 1940s. The Nipigon Bay Fish Co. buildings are gone and the base of operations has shifted farther east. 19-Nipigon Bay Fish Company fish shed, showing the tugs “B and B”, “Rossport” (belonging to Fred Gerow), “Christina Mac” (belonging to Charles Gerow), Rossport, L. Superior, early 1920s 20-Filling the ice house for the Nipigon Bay Fish Co., Rossport, L. Superior 21-Preparing the catch for shipment, Rossport, L. Superior 22-A lake trout weighing 64 pounds dressed, with Einar Anderson, J.A. Nicol, and John Anderson, Rossport, L. Superior 23-Felix Legault and automatic net lifter on the tug Rossport belonging to Fred Gerow, Rossport, L Superior, 1915 24-The tug “Ester Anderson”, belonging to Oscar Anderson, with Felix Legault’s brother Lester on shore, Rossport, L. Superior, c. 1930 Back Forward