History of Ontario Great Lakes Fish, Fishing Ports, and Fishers - unpublished manuscripts
Jackfish docks, L.Superior, c. 1911. Public Archives Canada, PA260018
Native lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) stocks in the Canadian waters of Lake Superior prior to 1955. 1981. JL Goodier, M.Sc. thesis. Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Toronto. ms. 301 pp. [Download]
A review of the status of western Lake Superior fish populations–including quota recommendations for herring, chub, and whitefish. 1981. JL Goodier and GR Spangler. ms. 96 pp. [Download]
The fish and fisheries of Canadian Lake Superior. 1982. JL Goodier, Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Toronto. ms. 201 pp. [Download]
Historical review of walleye allocation in Lake Erie: an Ontario perspective. 1985. JL Goodier and AS Holder, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources report. ms. 55 pp+app. [Download]
Fish of Canadian Lake Superior: through the years, species by species. 1991. JL Goodier. ms. 84 pp. [Download]